
荟萃库 人气:3.11W

Section 4


1. 一开始只有卫生间外面的地毯是_________,因为破裂的水管里的水;最后整个走廊都被淹了。

Initially only the carpeting outside the restroom was __________ by water from the burst pipe; eventually the entire hallway flooded.

diverted v. 转移

confined v. 有限

scuttled v. 急走

cleansed v. 弄干净

drenched v. 湿透的.

2. 群居对狼和老鼠这样的动物有好也有坏:群居让动物来__________体温,但是让他们更___________被捕食者发现。

Communal nests have advantages and disadvantages for animals like wolves and mice: they enable the animals to _________ body heat, but leave them more __________ to discovery by predators.

insure v. 确保ined adj. 倾向于

maintain v. 维持erable adj. 易受攻击的

squander v. 浪费le adj. 有责任的

stimulate v. 刺激stant adj. 反抗

retain v. 保持ne adj. 免疫